Joseph E. Shepherd
C. L. "Kelly" Johnson Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering
B.S., University of South Florida, 1976; Ph.D., Caltech, 1981. Associate Professor, Caltech, 1993-99; Professor, 1999-08; Johnson Professor, 2008-; Davis Leadership Chair, 2018-20; Dean, Graduate Studies, 2009-15; Vice President, Student Affairs, 2015-20.
Research interests: combustion, explosion, detonation, shock waves, hypersonics, structural mechanics, fluid-structure interaction, nuclear power, aviation safety
Joe Shepherd teaches and conducts research on fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, chemistry, thermodynamics, and structural mechanics with applications to explosion dynamics, industrial safety including aviation and nuclear power, high-speed flight and propulsion, fluid-structure interaction, energy conversion technologies, and medical devices.