Graduate Studies
Degree in Applied Mechanics »
Degree in Civil Engineering »
Degree in Mechanical Engineering »
To apply for admission to the graduate program in the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, you must submit an application, available through the Graduate Admissions Office.
In a typical year, between 250 and 300 applications for graduate study in MCE are received, and 25-30 offers of admission are made. Admissions decisions are made by the faculty, and are determined both by the research opportunities in the applicant's area of interest, and the competitiveness of the applicant's grades, class standing, research experience, and letters of recommendation. GRE scores are not required for any of the MCE options. Self-reported scores will not be considered in evaluating the applications.
The degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science are offered. The program emphasizes Ph.D. level study and research. We do not have a Masters of Sciences degree only program. Students who intend to work full-time toward the Ph.D. degree as a final degree objective are admitted to the graduate program. Only in exceptional cases is there admission to the Master of Science program as the final degree objective.
As preparation for advanced study and research, entering graduate students are expected to have a thorough background in undergraduate mathematics, physics, and engineering. An outstanding four-year undergraduate program in mathematics and sciences may provide a suitable background as well. The qualifications of each applicant will be considered individually, and, after being enrolled, the student will arrange his or her program in consultation with a member of the faculty.
Application deadlines: December 15, of each year for all degree programs in MCE
For further information about graduate study in the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, please contact:
Jenni Campbell
Mechanical and Civil Engineering
California Institute of Technology
1200 East California Boulevard
Mail Code 104-44
Pasadena, CA 91125