Peter Gunnarson, an Aerospace graduate student, and Matthew Yao, a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering, have been chosen to receive the 2024 Richard Bruce Chapman Memorial Award. The Richard B. Chapman Memorial Award is given to an EAS graduate student in hydrodynamics who has distinguished themself in research.

Peter Gunnarson is a graduate student working with John Dabiri, Centennial Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering. Gunnarson's doctoral research explores bio-inspired flow sensing strategies that could enhance the navigational capabilities of autonomous underwater vehicles. He hopes that his work can help contribute towards increased exploration of Earth's oceans.

Matthew Yao is a graduate student working with Guillaume Blanquart, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Yao's doctoral research was focused on lean premixed turbulent hydrogen flames. He performed direct numerical simulations to study the fundamental flame physics, and then used the results to inform large eddy simulation modeling. This research is important for the predictive modeling and design of clean and carbon free energy generation devices. He will be continuing his research at Princeton University as a postdoctoral research associate.